Why Learn Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a safe and powerful healing modality that works synergistically with other healthcare modalities. Dual practitioners agree that combining their primary form of healing with acupuncture benefits their patients more than either modality alone. We believe that all patients should have ready access to acupuncture and that every healthcare provider should be cross-trained in acupuncture or dry needling.
Learning with AcuPractice Seminars is straightforward and accessible.
We have been teaching acupuncture and dry needling to healthcare providers for close to 30 years. We know what information you need to know, and we know how to teach it succinctly. We focus on clear, clinically-useful instruction that will benefit you and your patients. Our education is powerful enough to stand on its own, so we don’t use our seminars as a vehicle for selling you expensive equipment,
Acupuncture is easy to integrate into an existing practice.
An acupuncture treatment takes only a few minutes of a practitioner’s time, with many models for incorporating acupuncture into existing healthcare practices, whether they are in hospital, small and private, or even high-volume practices.
Acupuncture is a great financial investment in your practice.
As a general point of reference, an acupuncture treatment commonly commands one-and-a-half times the fee of a chiropractic adjustment. Given that acupuncture is commonly offered as a cash service, and patients generally expect to pay cash for acupuncture services, your educational investment can be recouped within a very short time, and the additional income can be significant.