Acupuncture CPT Codes from the American Association of Oriental Medicine.
A Brief Summary of Acupuncture Laws in all 50 States.
Acupuncture Today Acupuncture articles, news, and opinions.
Banyan Botanicals Ayurvedic Herb Distributors. A great resource for ayurveda.
Crane Herbs Resource for Chinese and American Proprietary Herbal Formulas.
Dr. Chuck’s Practice in Glen Cove New York.
Dr. Claudia Welch Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda
Golden Flower Herbs Resource for Chinese and American Proprietary herbal formulas.
Lhasa OMS Resource for Buying Acupuncture Supplies.
Mayway Chinese Herb Distributor Resource for Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicines.
NBCE Information for the NBCE National Board Examination in Acupuncture.
New England School of Acupuncture Dr. Jim’s First Acupuncture Alma Mater.
New York Chiropractic College Dr. Chuck’s Chiropractic Alma Mater.
Southwest Acupuncture College Dr. Jim’s Second Acupuncture Alma Mater.
Tri-State College of Acupuncture Dr. Chuck’s Acupuncture Alma Mater.
University of Bridgeport AcuPractice Seminars’ CEU credits are offered through the University of Bridgeport Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department.