Chiropractic Physicians: Acupuncture and dry needling are both within your scope of practice in thirty US states, the District of Columbia, and a number of other locations around the globe.  Each state sets it’s own regulations on the training required for chiropractors to utilize acupuncture.  Our Online Certification and Live-Classroom Acupuncture Certification courses are accepted by most states as either complete or partial training in chiropractic acupuncture. Our Trigger Point Acupuncture Intensives qualify you to practice dry needling in many states. See our State Acupuncture Laws Map for more detailed information. 

The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) offers a certification examination to identify qualified specialists in chiropractic acupuncture. Prior to sitting for the NBCE acupuncture examination, candidates are required to take a minimum of 100 hours of post-graduate level acupuncture training in a program under the auspices of a Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) Accredited Chiropractic College.  A number of US jurisdictions require chiropractors to successfully complete the NBCE acupuncture exam in order to practice acupuncture. Even though many jurisdictions still do not require it, we recommend all chiropractors who complete our certification program sit for the NBCE’s Acupuncture exam.

Our Online Certification Program, our Live-Classroom Certification program, and our Chinese Medicine 101 correspondence course are all offered under the auspices of the University of Bridgeport, and so qualify doctors of chiropractic to sit for the NBCE Acupuncture exam, as well as counting as CCEs toward licensure renewal in many jurisdictions.

Our PACE-Approved Trigger Point Acupuncture Intensives qualify as Approved Chiropractic Continuing Education in the 28 states and provinces, and qualify as primary training in acupuncture and Dry Needling in many jurisdictions.

Please contact us with any questions you might have.