Foundations of Ayurveda is offered by AcuPractice Seminars’ Faculty Member, Dr. Claudia Welch, on her website.
Ayurvedic medicine is a sister science of Chinese medicine, and its approach to healing dovetails nicely with acupuncture. This is a wonderful course for learning the basics of Ayurvedic medicine from some of today’s best teachers, without having to leave your life behind and attend a year-long program. Note: This course is not accredited for continuing chiropractic, physical therapy, or medical education.

Detailed Course Description:
This multi-media course includes a combination of 51.5 hours of video presented by Dr. Claudia Welch and Dr. Robert Svoboda, accompanying handouts, end of lesson quizzes and a course certificate. We conduct an in-depth exploration of the language and foundational principles and concepts of Āyurveda. If you are able to fully understand and digest this course, along with Foundations of Āyurveda Part II, they are comparable to a semester of Āyurvedic in-person training. Together they provide a comprehensive, strong foundation in the principles of Āyurveda, sufficient to prepare students to incorporate more subtle Āyurveda concepts and practices into a yoga practice, an established medical practice, or to go on to pursue clinical study in Āyurveda.You can begin this course any time you wish and take up to a year to complete it. You can complete the course on its own, or combined with our private or group tutoring. To get the most out of it you will need to take your time.While a couple decades ago, it was hard to find any information on Āyurveda in the West at all, today we face a different challenge. There are so many  Āyurvedic educational resources that it can be daunting to find ones we trust to be accurate, authentic, and well-organized. It took years for Drs. Svoboda and Welch to obtain, assimilate, practice, and organize this knowledge in a manner that the Western mind may readily grasp. The potency of this course lies in its enlivened, organized, concise delivery of in-depth, authentic information and knowledge, based in rich experience.Dr. Claudia Welch and Dr. Robert Svoboda combined have more than half a century of practicing and teaching Āyurveda. They have taught introductory, advanced, and clinical material. They have taught students with no prior knowledge of Āyurveda as well as advanced students and practitioners. They have taught students with no prior medical training and have taught MDs. In this course, they present material that is essential for anyone who chooses to pursue more advanced Āyurvedic studies. And you can learn at home, in your pajamas if you like, on your own schedule, without the disruptive physical, emotional and financial costs of traveling elsewhere to study.