Chinese Medicine 101: Correspondence Course (CMT 101)
An in-depth introduction to the Traditional Chinese Medical Theories, which form the clinical foundation needed to apply acupuncture to the common internal disorders encountered in daily practice.
This is an “Old School” style correspondence course. You read a good book & take some quizzes along the way, to make sure the information is sticking. Offered as a sister program to our online and classroom programs, this course is particularly recommended for those who desire more than 200 hours of training.
AcuPractice Seminars currently offers distance learning in two distinct formats: our Online Certification Program and this Correspondence course. Both formats are effective for learning acupuncture, and in many cases acquiring continuing education credits, from your home or office at your own pace.
Correspondence Course Text: The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine by Ted Kaptchuck, is one of the most widely used introductory texts in Chinese Medicine, and required reading in acupuncture colleges throughout the world.
Correspondence Course Format: Each quiz covers a specific portion of the textbook. We provide the page numbers clearly, so you can take the quizzes sequentially, as you proceed through the text. Quizzes are comprised of both multiple-choice and essay questions, progressing from the former to the later as the participant builds a more integrated understanding of the material.
50 Hours of Chiropractic Continuing Education Credit are awarded upon successful completion of this course, through the University of Bridgeport Health Sciences Postgraduate Education Department. These credits meet most state & NBCE requirements & can be substituted for, and combined with, classroom hours in most jurisdictions. If you have a question about your state requirements, drop us an email and we’ll do our best to help you figure it out. Please Note: No partial credit is awarded for partial completion of this course.
Correspondence Course Tuition: ($14 per Hour/Continuing Education Credit) The $700 fee includes course tuition, quiz and essay grading, and continuing education fees. Upon successful completion of the final exam, AcuPractice Seminars submits all paperwork and fees to the University of Bridgeport. You will receive your CCE certificate directly from the University of Bridgeport, usually within 2 weeks of completion of the final exam.
CMT 101 Registration: Once registered, you will be given access to all quizzes. You may secure the text, begin reading and take quizzes at your own pace, as long as you complete the course within one year. You may take up to one year to complete this course, beginning with the first quiz. Time extensions may be granted on an individual basis.